Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ultimate Scrimmage

First off, I don't want to talk about the GA-Florida game. We're just gonna pretend that didn't happen. But win or lose, Gators still wear jean shorts.

I hope everybody had a good Halloween. I certainly did. In addition to all hallows eve, Friday was also close to a couple birthdays, so we had a joint 80s themed Halloween/birthday party. I was pleased with my last minute costume which took inspiration from Don Jonson era Miami Vice. The mustache really made it, in my opinion. What did ya'll dress up as? We went out to the Duke of Cambridge, which is a fancy cocktail bar down the road, then tried to meet up with some Keble students at a club. The line was too long, so we instead attempted to get into our old favorite, the Purple Turtle. Fortunately (I say fortunately because despite what they think at the time, no one really ever wants to go to the PT) one of us lacked an acceptable form of ID and so the doorman wouldn't let us in, even though my mustache and I did our best to talk our way in the door. We called it a night, got a Kebab from Hussein on the way home, and watched Dazed and Confused.

Saturday was mostly spent preparing to watch the football game. We even had some Keble kids that had never seen American football join us. Oops. We told them that we had actually won, and I think that they may even have believed us.

Today it rained (surprise!). The Ultimate team had a friendly scrimmage against St. Annes, a college from down the road and a rival to Keble. Last year St. Annes (pronounced "Stann's) won Cuppers in Ultimate, meaning they were the best college team within the University. The game today was a lot of fun. Both sides were very evenly matched, and Keble ended up winning 13-12 after coming back from being down 7-9. Even better, I think we played much better at the end because we learned some. I was happy enough with how I played; I caught the first and last points and had some layouts on defense, for which I have curiously awarded a "flapjack". I'm not sure exactly what that is (I asked and it's not a pancake), but it appears to be some sort of foodstuff and I'm excited about it anyway. Next week is the Beginners tournament, and since I'm technically a beginner I can play in it. We'll be playing against lots of other teams from other colleges, and hopefully we'll do just as well as we did today. But I can only play if we don't go to Dublin.

The trip to Scotland that was supposed to happen this weekend fell through because it was going to be too expensive. Instead, a smaller group is contemplating a trip to Dublin. While the train to Edinburgh was going to be 110 pounds, the airfare to Ireland is only 10. It would be better for me if we go the weekend of the 15th so I can make the aforementioned tourney, but the trip would be a priority since 1. I'm really not a true beginner and 2. I've only got five weeks left on this trip. It would be a fun trip since I get along great with the other guys who are thinking about going, plus where else can you drink legit Guinness? I just hope we don't get beaten with a shillelagh.

Classes are grinding on. I got a B+ on my first paper for psychology, not bad but with room for improvement. Hopefully he's giving lower grades at the beginning of the semester, which is something some dons apparently do. Not a big deal, since our final grades aren't necessarily related to grades on papers. I'm reading my paper aloud in my other seminar again this week. Last time it went okay, but I want to do a little better. Rousseau here I come. Hard to believe that after this week we're halfway done with the term.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nick - glad you're still alive and kicking. A "flapjack" is a pancake, but not an English one, which is more like a crepe, but more like an American pancake that you get in the WaHo dollar stack. It will taste like foam rubber and fly like a 32oz drink cup lid. I didn't recognize the halloween costume - I thoght you'd just gone toff.

Nick said...

Again, I'm rendered ignorant by my imperfect grasp of English vernacular. Toff presumably means either gay , or child-abductorish (I can see why the mustache would give that impression)? You really had to see that lack of socks for the don johnson thing to work.

Adam said...

No post commenting on the election? Certain people (person) is up on his/her facebook soapbox again; I'm clearly overjoyed about that.