Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wait, I actually have to write papers?

Sorry to say that there isn't much interesting going on with me this week. Classes are in full swing and, as such, I've been rather busy. Last night for example, I had about 150 pages of reading, plus starting my paper that's due Friday at midnight. Fortunately, I only have one class early tomorrow morning and so will be able to finish any last minute adjustments in the afternoon. It's actually quite a lot of fun, perverse as that is to say. And I'm actually better off than some, since the workload for my common law class is considerably lighter than most of the English seminars people are taking.

In other news, the food has improved (either that or I've just gotten used to it) and we're beginning to meet some Keble students as they trickle back from summer vacation. I'll probably stay in the house this weekend since I want to get some breathing room on my assignments, plus I've some errands that need to be done. But as for right now, I need to get back to that paper.

1 comment:

Adam said...

