Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shoot All The Babies

Pretty uneventful day today. I got up pretty late and read most of the morning, then went to my British Common Law class (though our instructor tells us that it's really only English and Welsh common law as Scotland is under a different system more similar to continental Europe). Dr. McFarland, who insists that we can call him Ben, is a very young faculty member from Trinity College specializing in property law. I very much enjoyed class today, where we discussed what "The Rule of Law" means. We decided that rule of law is just one facet of the quality of a legal system not a force for explicitly "good" or "evil". To use the example we came up with in class, a legal system with the law "All blue-eyed babies will be shot on sight" can still be considered as having Rule of Law assuming the rules are clear, prospective,properly promulgated, and authorities are accountable for their compliance. As you may know, I am vehemently anti-baby, so this is a system of jurisprudence that I can really get behind. Plus, I also learned the difference between a barrister and a solicitor. All in all I'd call it a good day. Two seminars tomorrow, so bye!


Bluehose 35 said...

cute picture..maybe its the outfit that "bugs" you.

be safe

Adam said...
